941.365.0812 | 330 South Pineapple, Sarasota, FL 34236 danee@daneebarnett.com
Your Brain on Food

Your Brain on Food

The main message I got from attending a recent conference on Nutritional Psychiatry is that you have to go out of your way to be both physically and mentally healthy. Nutritional Psychiatry is a burgeoning scientific field that’s proving that a healthy diet not only...
5 Worst-For-You Foods

5 Worst-For-You Foods

Did you know that some of the worst foods to eat appear as if they are healthy choices? Part of the problem is market-speak labeling. Using words like ‘whole grains’ or ‘low fat’ is calculated to mislead you, the consumer. But even more insidious are the foods that...
How to Eat During a Hurricane Alert

How to Eat During a Hurricane Alert

We live in an area with a hurricane season. That means there are times when we are facing the possibility of, at the least, a disruption of our regular routine. When we listen to all the hurricane warnings and news reports, and monitor those graphics that show...
The Psychology of Overeating

The Psychology of Overeating

Fool Me Once The Psychology of Overeating We believe that people overeat because food tastes really good, or because we’re really hungry. In reality, those are two of the last things that influence how much people eat. We are a nation of mindless eaters. If there is...